The Historical Activities Committee
The Historical Activities Committee aims (From the objects of our society in the NSCDA National constitution) "to educate our fellow citizens and ourselves in our country's history and thus diffuse healthful and intelligent information concerning the past, to create a popular interest in our Colonial history, to stimulate a spirit of true patriotism and a genuine love of country. "
The committee presently organizes a popular evening lecture series, day trips to historic sites and is in the process of publishing documents on headquarters tours and the NSCD/NY history.
The committee meets to discuss future lecture topics and potential HAC activities approximately 4 to 5 times a year from September to May. Committee members are active, provide speaker and field trip ideas, recruit patrons and sponsors, and encourage members and friends to attend programs. Proceeds from activities benefit our education programs and support the upkeep of Van Cortlandt House Museum and the NSCDA Headquarters. The committee welcomes new members at the start of the year. We have a lot of fun!